Friday, August 1, 2008

Pictures from daycare

Gage's Daddy was visiting daycare today and he sent me a few pictures of Kyle playing on my cell phone. I thought I would share them with you...

This first one is of my silly monkey laying on the top shelf of a bookcase they have in the room. This bookcase is usually where they keep all of the toys...not little boys! :-)

This picture was taken under a crib....

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Random Thoughts & Pictures

Hello! Not much going on around here. Kyle was fighting off allergies all weekend so we stayed pretty close to home. It didn't really stop him however - he was as busy as ever!

The slide is still in our living room. We have not had any company so there is no real urgency to move it to its home in the back yard. And besides Kyle LOVES it in the house. This is the first thing he runs to every morning to play on and it keeps occupied while I am cooking supper at night. I really wish that we had a playroom for him that we could leave big toys up all the time but we don't so... the living room it is!

I snapped this picture on Thursday of last week before we went to school. Doesn't he look like such a big boy carrying his book bag on his back?!

Sunday afternoon, Kyle and Daddy were "bouncing" in the Winnie the Pooh chair. Kyle got so tickled he could barely bounce!