Friday, June 25, 2010

Kyle's Field Day!

The Friday before Kyle got out of school for break they had Field Day. I was very excited I got to go over and visit for a little bit!
When I first arrived his class was outside playing with bubbles, side walk chalk, bouncy balls, and a pop up tent. Kyle wanted to show me the HUGE bubbles he could make with the big bubble wands.

Then he showed me how the big bubble wands made silly glasses....

After a little bit, they went inside and set up the tent and did face painting!

Kyle wanted airplanes on both cheeks cause "he daddy works on planes"! :-)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Changes and new doors

In preparation for getting our house ready for a new baby we are closing in our garage to turn it into a playroom/family room.

The first step was cleaning it out....BOY was that a job!

Then Ben and his Dad built a storage building in the back yard for all of Ben's stuff. (I need to take pictures of the storage building!)

Two weekends ago, Ben had two friends come over to help take down the garage door and put in the new double door.

Then on Tuesday of this week, one of his friends came back over to put the siding on around the door. I must say for 2 guys who have never worked with siding before they did a great job! :-)

Hopefully next week, the inside of the room will be done and I will be able to share pictures of it! :-)

Vacation Bible School Program

Last week, Kyle particpated in Vacation Bible School at his school. I think overall he had a good time, however we had several "bumps" along the way.

On Sunday, the kids were suppose to have a presentation at church. We were to arrive at church at 9 am for Kyle to practice one more time and then church began at 10:15am. THANK GOODNESS I took a few pictures during the practice because once Kyle saw all the people coming into the church at 10 a.m. he was done and did not participate in the program. Oh well... maybe next year!

When he got on stage, he turned around to wave at us. :-)

During one of the songs....
He knew the words and motions for this song!