Monday, March 9, 2009

Soccer Time!

Tonight, I gave Kyle his first REAL soccer ball and told him about the soccer classes that I signed him (us) up for. He was so excited! We had a great time rolling the ball back and forth after supper.

Yes...I know you are not suppose to use your hands with the ball but it was alot of fun to play with it this way.

Another use for the ball...sit on it and watch TV!
Tonight after bath, Kyle came back in and he held the soccer ball while we read stories and he drank his milk. Then before he went to bed he put the ball in his pooh chair and told it good night.... Sweet Boy!

A weekend full of pictures...

This weekend was SO pretty we spent a lot of it outside.

On Saturdy morning, we all went to a Animal Block Party that was held right up from our house near the mexican resturant we like to go too. It was not a big event at all but it was an opportunity for local businesses and shops to set up tables outside of their shops and an animal adoption agency was there with pet adoptions. (Don't worry... we did not get ANY ideas!) But it was alot of fun for Kyle to get to see the kitty cats and puppies. He really liked the small dogs but didn't really care for the big ones at all. The highlight of this adventure was when he got to see and pet a miniture horse. He was too funny! He started off petting the horse and then stuck his foot out for the horse to see his shoes and then told the horse that his Ga Ga was coming. :-)

I tried to get some pictures of Kyle Saturday morning in front of the house...

On Sunday, Ben did not have to work (first day off in 13 days!) so we took full advantage and stayed out in our back yard.

Kyle liked climbing up on the lawn mower to "drive" it.

Of course he was on the swing set and slide ALOT! I remember last year when we first got it, my little boys legs would not reach from step to step. Now this year he climbs the ladder all by himself!

And he played in the sand box. He has smaller shovels but he insists on using the biggest one in the yard. :-)