Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kyle and his new friend... Allie

On Saturday, Kyle and I went attended the March for Babies for the March of Dimes. We were a part of "Huffman Huskies Team" with Dana and Tim in honor of Stephen and Matthew.

The highlight of Kyle's trip was meeting Mrs. Lauren's dog Allie, who came with us to walk. Kyle has never played with or been a fan of big dogs but he instantly started wanting to see her and then he started feeding her goldfish.

Once we got to Forsyth Park, Kyle was able to get out of his stroller and really get to pet and play with her. Mrs. Lauren showed Kyle how to pet Allie's tummy.

I can not remember if it was Kyle's or Mrs. Lauren's idea....but the next thing I knew Kyle was riding Allie!

Kyle thought this was the best thing ever!!!

Kyle playing peek-a-boo with Allie's leash.

Thank you Mrs. Lauren and Allie for playing with Kyle! He is asking me when can he see Allie "one more time". :-)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sweet Baby....

I have lots of pictures to post from our weekend but I am just too tired tonight. But for now, This is how I found my sweet baby and his easter dinosaur named "doggie" the other night. Kyle makes sure his friend is covered up each night too.

Hope you had a great weekend! Good Night!