Monday, October 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Stephen and Matthew!!

A few weekends ago, we went to Stephen and Matthew's 3rd birthday! The boys had a combo Thomas the Train/Spiderman theme. I love how Dana and Tim always let the boys have their own thing and do not make them do the same just because they are twins.

In the picture above Dana and Matthew are enjoying Spiderman cake!

Stephen with Dana and Tim are blowing out his Thomas the Train cake!

News Flash for all my family and friends that attended Evan's first birthday - he now LOVES birthday cake! He ate over half a piece with Mom feeding it to him. I guess from now on Dana will have to order all of Evan's birthday cakes since she has the right touch. :-)

The boys got to play in the playground area alot. Here is Kyle the monkey climbing to the highest point he could!

This is my new favorite picture of Evan playing peek a boo!