Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A new defintion to describe me...


"Mothers who constantly follow their children around with several cameras and video taking equipment, snapping photos at each turn and documenting each milestone or event with at least two dozen photos and a video."

Yep, that pretty much describes me!

I take pictures of big days like the first day of Vacation Bible School for Kyle.

Or just because it was Monday for Evan.

I take pictures of everyday regular things like Kyle's taco tonight when he put more cheese than meat. (Yes, he ate all of it!) :-)

Or because Evan was squealing and having such a good time with puffs.

My boys know that their Mama will always have a camera and I will be sure to record every day of their lives. I keep telling myself that one day they will appreciate all of these memories I have captured. So yes, I am very proud to be called the Mamarazzi! :-)