I got on the internet and found two patterns for shamrocks and spent the rest of the night cutting these out. (This was no easy task for me - I failed cutting in kindergarten!) However I was determined and I did it.
On Wednesday night, I put the paint in styrofoam plates and got Kyle to put his thumb print in red on the green shamrock's and his entire hand print in green on the white ones.
After we finished making the shamrocks I let him play with the paint...
He had a blast!
This is the white shamrock with green handprint.
This is the green shamrock. I turned the red thumb print into a lady bug.
For the back of the wreath I made a little sign with Kyle's thumb prints to make a shamrock. This is where I put his name and date we made the hand prints. (sorry its blurry!)
On Thursday, I finished putting it together. (Hey Monica- this is what I was doing and trying to explain while I was talking to you!:-)) The ribbon is a white back ground and has green shamrocks with red lady bugs which really ties it all in nicely.
What do you think?
I know... I'm no Martha Stewart but I am really starting to enjoy these little projects!