Friday, June 5, 2009

Snoopy Flashback Friday

It seems hard to believe that Meme's Snoopy has been visiting our home for 3 years now during the Children's Miracle Network Broadcast weekend.
Below is the very first year of Kyle taking his picture with Snoopy...

And now this year with Snoopy....

Where has the time gone?! My baby has grown up too fast!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hat Day

Yesterday was Kyle's favorite day at school...HAT DAY! This was perfect and right up his alley! And of course I had to get pictures before school.

He really surprised me that he did not want to wear the cowboy hat or fireman hat but when we told him to pick out a hat to wear to school he went straight to his Old Navy baseball hat. When I got to school that afternoon, Kyle was one of the only kids who wore his hat all morning without taking it off. What can I say? He definitely gets this honest from his Daddy!
While Ben was taking pictures, Kyle wanted me to take a picture with him and then he wanted me to wear his hat too! Then he said..."Silly Mommy!"

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Class picture day

On Friday was class picture day at school so of course that meant I had to get pictures before school. However on Friday Kyle was TOTALLY amazed at the topiary tree on the front porch. He has started calling it a green snowman! :-) When I asked him why it was a snowman he said "Mommy he has 3 circles!" Duh...I guess I should have known that.

This isn't the best picture...but at least he is turned around and looking at me and not the green snowman!