Saturday, August 29, 2009

Mr. Cheesey!!!

Before going to MiKaley's birthday party on Saturday I told Kyle I wanted to get a picture of him. He ran to the front of the house and gave me this HUGE cheesey grin!!! Then he asked...can I go to the party now?

Then I got this... YEAH PARTY!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Where does the time go?!?

It seems like forever since I have posted on this blog. Our life is forever getting more and more crazy! It is so good to have Ben home at night, but at the same time we are still getting into that new routine. When we get home, Kyle wants Ben to immediately go take off his work shirt. That way he knows his Daddy is not going back to work.

Kyle got promoted to a new classroom last week. He has seem to adjust better this time than any other time. He is learning so much and suprises me with what he says every day. His new saying is... "I have an idea!" He is too funny!

Cousin April's visit

Last week, Ben and Monica's cousin April came to Georgia for a visit! We all ate at Nannie and Pa's home in Swainsboro and had a great time. After dinner, we had a "photo session" of the cousins. I think the pictures turned out really good!

Below is Monica and Marti and Ben and Kyle
Ben and April being crazy! :-)
Enjoying our time sitting around talking....

Kyle loved being able to play with Marti! They had a great time!

This picture is a little dark but it is good! I can't believe they are almost the same height.

Juice time!

Brooklet Peanut Festival

On Saturday, August 15 Kyle and I went to the Brooklet Peanut festival. Kyle LOVES a "MARADE!" And this parade was right up his alley. It had lots of tractors and cars. We were so happy that the rain even held off until the very end.

I think this picture to funny of the scowl on Kyle's face!

Kyle thinks he is as big as Ashley and Tommy and loves to play with them. They take up so much time with him and they are GREAT big cousins!

After the parade Mom, Kyle and I went to Kyle's favorite restuarant Applebee's!