Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Run, Kyle, Run!

A couple of weekend's ago, we went to meet Ben's parents and Marti for the Tybee Island Race.  Kyle participated in the 1 mile run with Little Pa (Mr. John) and Marti.  The weather was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!  It was hard to believe that it was just the first week of February.  (I'm SO glad we live in the South!!) :-)
When it was time to head over to the starting line, Marti and Kyle needed to warm up... DeDe was coaching them along. :-)
Then it was time to line up with Pa.

And then they were off!! Once they left the starting area, Ms. Denise, Evan and I made our way over to the finish line.  I was so excited and nervous for Kyle. I think that was the longest 13 minutes ever.  I was really worried.  What if he got tired, what if he wanted to quit, what if..., what if.... (Yes, I am a worry wart of a mama!)  And then we spotted them!! Don't they look like little pros?!?!
I am SOOOOO proud of Kyle and Marti (and Mr. John-but more so for completing the half marathon earlier in the day and still being able to stand to run another mile with the grand kids)!  I think they got a few bumps and bruises along the way but they had a BLAST!  Kyle was and still is OVER the moon for his medal!  He wore it everywhere that weekend and told everyone that "he, and Marti and Pa ALL won the race!" What sweet, fun memories.....
And on a total side note, he slept ALL night long that night!! I have considered signing him up for a different race every weekend since!! ha ha:-)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Yes, it's official I'm behind....

I can't believe it is only the second week of February and I am already behind in blogging!  We have done some really great things the last two weekends, but I just haven't had a free minute to sit down and get'em done.

But I promise I will get them updated this week... I will add it to my ever growing list. UGH! The joys or being a working mama - never enough time for anything!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Valentine's Day Decoration

This year I didn't have anything to put on the front door for Valentine's Day so I went over to a local craft store in hopes to find something to put up for a few weeks and I came out with this....
The glittery heart looked very plain so when I got home I got the boys to put these hand prints on it. I wish I had gotten pictures of Evan doing this but I could hold the camera and hold his painted white hand at the same time. :-)  I got out all my letters from my scrap booking stuff to try and spell out "Be Mine" well of course I was missing an E and the I.  So Ben ran back to town for me while I gave the boys a bath and brought me back these cute letters that even came with the little flowers! 
I glued all the letters with plain school glue but it worked perfect! I left it to dry on the floor over night. And then the next morning I hung this super cute door sign on our front door!  I think it turned out great and we all helped on this project ....my pink heart, Ben's letters and the boys hand prints.  I can't think of anything better, a project we all did TOGETHER!