Saturday, June 12, 2010

Summertime at school is here!

We love summertime at school/daycare each year! The kids have a lot of fun days planned and something they look forward to each day or week. Well this year with Kyle being another year older, he is REALLY getting into these special days. And I must say Miss Ashley has gone all out and planned something special for almost every day for June and July! Kyle has been waking up each morning asking what day it is and what does he get to do fun at school that day! (And yes, I really get into the special days too!)

Monday - Take a toy to school day!

Kyle chose two toys - his Buzz Light year blaster and his Iron Man. What is so funny is he got the Iron Man from a Burger King kids meal but that has turned into his favorite toy and he played with it all day at school. Miss Ashley said he left his Buzz Light year blaster in his cubby all day. Honestly that is a GOOD thing because that thing is SO loud and annoying! :-)

Tuesday - Popsicle Day

Kyle and I went to the store and got Popsicles for his class over the weekend. Kyle is so opinionated and knew exactly which ones his friends would like!

Wednesday - Water Day

I have always LOVED Water Days at school! Kyle gets so excited to put on his swim suit and then run around all the sprinklers and pools that are set up for the kids.

Wednesday was the first time I had ever missed one of these days but I had a meeting at work and could not leave. Kyle didn't miss me at all....but I was SO sad to have missed this fun day for him! Thank you Miss Ashley for sending me the pictures of Kyle!

Thursday - Picnic Day

Thursday was picnic day and we had to pack his lunch. This day was even more special because I found him his very own Buzz Light year lunch box! Oh my...I would have never dreamed he would have loved this lunch box so! He carried it around the house all week!
Thursday morning, before we could eat breakfast we had to pack his lunch box. I made his turkey sandwich into dinosaur shapes and then let him pick out all of his snacks for his lunch. He picked gummies (of course!), scooby doo graham crackers and a baseball cake. Not the most healthiest lunch but he was SO happy! :-)

Friday - Pajama Day
Friday was pajama day at school. He woke me up at 6 a.m. on Friday morning asking me when he could put on his spider man pajamas. Yes I know it was amusing that he was taking off pajamas to put back on pajamas! :-)
After he got dressed he came back in when I was getting ready for work and he couldn't figure out why I was not wearing my pajama's to work! He even talked to Mom on Friday morning and he asked her if she was wearing her pajamas to work! It was too funny. I had to explain that Mommy really wished she could stay in her pj's but her work really wouldn't let her! :-)
Next week is Vacation Bible School in the mornings and then different activities in the afternoons. I am very excited about Kyle going to bible school because this will be the first year he has been old enough to attend. I know he will enjoy every minute of it!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Shaving Creme Day!

When Miss Ashley told me that the class was going to have shaving creme day I wasn't really sure what to expect. But as soon as I saw the pictures I could tell how much fun the kids had!! As you can tell, Kyle had it every where but fortunately it all dried and went away. However I will say his hair was a little sticky that night! :-)
Thank you Miss Ashley for taking this picture and sharing it with me!

Krispy Kreme Run...

Over Memorial Day weekend, I told Ben that Krispy Kreme doughnuts REALLY sounded good. It was after bath time and almost time for bed but we decided to take a spur of the moment trip up town to Krispy Kreme. We absolutely never do this kind of thing since we have Kyle (and us) and such a tight bed time routine. But tonight we made and exception!

Kyle thought it was COOL that he went out in his pajama's! Then when we pulled up we saw the best thing ever....THE HOT SIGN!! :-)

So we all enjoyed our splurge of a HOT Krispy Kreme doughnut and glass of milk before bedtime that night!