Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter Party & Easter Chicks

Today was Kyle's Easter Party at school. The kids started off by having refreshments. I think Kyle really enjoyed all the snacks that he normally does not get at home on a normal basis. In the picture below, he is eating a miniture doughnut iced in chocolate and covered in sprinkles.
Next the kids went out side for the egg hunt. They all had a great time. Kyle found 4 eggs. He was very happy with himself!
After the egg hunt, all the kids played on the playground while the parents watched. Kyle was into showing Mommy everything the playground had. We even played peak a boo with the red barrels.

After we left the school, I took Kyle to the mall where they had a display set up of baby chicks. Now Kyle REALLY loved this! At first we just looked at the baby chiks through the glass...
Then when we came back by we were able to get a baby chik and hold it up close!


Anonymous said...

This is adorable--I know ya'll had a great time!!!--Cherish these moments

Kim said...

Kelly, Did you actually touch the chick!?!?!