Friday, May 8, 2009

Flashback Friday

On some of the blogs I read they have Wordless Wednesday or Favorite Foto Friday...I have always thought this was neat so I was thinking I might start my own but call it "Flashback Friday". What do you think? Do you like it? Should I keep it up for a while? Or do you only want to see what Kyle is up to now?

In honor of Kyle and I planning to attend the Pine Tree Festival parade on Saturday I thought I would post a picture of the very first parade he attended! This is the afternoon parade at Walt Disney World in March 2007. He was 12 weeks old when he made his first Disney Trip. As you can tell he loved his first parade!

I have a feeling he will be more awake and active this weekend at his first Pine Tree Festival!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that is a sonderful idea !!!---He is growing so fast and this way everyone can see-----Ohhhhh, I remember that 1st Disney trip and that first parade-----Yeah, I think he might have enjoyed the PTF a little more----Or at least what I saw