Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Papa's visit!

I hope everyone had a great Labor day weekend. I can not believe summer is coming to a close already but I am ready for the cooler days and hopefully not as many mosquitoes. Over the weekend, my Dad came to visit! We had a great time and Kyle really enjoyed playing with Papa.
Since the weather was so nice, we spent a lot of time outside. And of course, that was right up Kyle's alley! :-)

Kyle and Papa "raced" across the back yard more times than I could count. However I think Kyle had the unfair advantage of just riding on his 4 wheeler. :-)

We put up a new swing for Kyle and he is a big boy now because he can get in himself.

However if he can't find any one to push him in the swing since he hasn't gotten the pumping his legs in the swing he just gets in and swings like this!

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