Friday, May 28, 2010

A trip to the "Tool Store"

Last Sunday, Ben told Kyle that they needed to go to the "Tool Store". Kyle got ALL excited and ran to his room to get his shoes. He came back with his boots. We both tried to explain to him that it was hot outside and that he needed to wear his sandals but he INSISTED that boys wear boots and he wanted to wear them. So.... in the the spirit of "picking my battles" we go to the "Tool Store". :-)
Once we got there, Kyle had to get a sale paper to see if anything he needed was on sale! (Yes, he is definitely my boy on this one! He sees me checking out the sales at the grocery store!)

Riding on the buggy through the store!

1 comment:

Kim (HK) said...

Sarah INSISTED on wearing her SNOW BOOTS at this age (and time of year)! Gotta love 'em.