Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My night away

Earlier this week I had to attend a meeting out of town for work. This would mark my first time leaving Evan overnight. I was VERY VERY nervous and really didn't want to leave my boys but I knew I had too. I knew that they would have a great time with Daddy and probably get away with everything but as long as they were happy I knew it would be okay.

So over the weekend, I cleaned the house from top to bottom (wait I do that every weekend...), cooked spaghetti for Ben to warm up and serve on Monday night, and washed and ironed all of the boys clothes that they would need for the upcoming few days while I was out of town. While I was getting the boys clothes out and ready I thought to myself that I need to be this organized every week! I think I am going to try and work this way from now on...I will let you know how this goes. :-)

Monday morning I had to get on the road by 6 am. The boys have been doing really good and sleeping until at least 6:30ish in the mornings but honestly they must have sensed something was going on because both was bright eyed and bushy tailed before I left home. This was okay with me cause at least I got hugs and kisses... :-)

On Monday night I was sitting in my hotel room trying to catch up on a little work and my cell phone just starting buzzing and ringing off the hook. The boys were sending me lots of pictures from there evening activities. A few of the pictures are blurry but I wanted to share.

Evan wearing Brave Star's cowboy hat...

Kyle playing with some big dragon from Ben's toys. I have no idea while this picture is so small, but I guess its a good thing cause I can tell our bed did not get made on Monday! :-0

Then my favorite picture of all came though....
We all made it just fine being apart for one night but honestly I was SO SO very happy to get home to them tonight. They were both still up when I got home and it was so nice to hear the giggles, and get the sweet hugs and kisses.
P.S. My meeting was AWESOME and I really got a lot out of it!

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