Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What is that?!?!

Kyle absolutely loves his dress up clothes, or I should say his old Halloween costumes! One day he is an race car driver, the next he is spider man and the next he is a fireman. Most days Kyle runs to his room and comes out in what ever he plans to play with that day. He has a GREAT imagination and I love to hear him talk and play with his toys. Well on Friday night this is how he came out of his room....

He is wearing his spider man mask, fire man jacket, super hero cape, and cowboy hat. So my question is...What is he suppose to be?!?! :-)

As you can tell, Evan has NO idea either! :-)

1 comment:

Kim (HK) said...

I get to see lots of Spider-Fire-Boys and Chinese Snow Whites in our Plaza!