Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Kyle wins a coloring contest!!

A few weeks back, Vicki (aka Meme) sent Kyle a picture to color for a coloring contest in Swainsboro.  Kyle loves to color so during that weekend I gave him the paper to color really good for Meme.  He did a great job and even added his own star fireworks. :-)  We mailed it back to Meme and that was honestly the last time I thought about the coloring contest.

Well on the Monday after Independence Day I received a phone call saying Kyle won for his age division!  WooHoo!  He could not be more excited!  A week later, Ben and Kyle went to Swainsboro for Kyle to accept his award and to get this picture take for the newspaper.   

We are SOOOO very proud of Kyle for doing such and good job on this coloring contest!

If you would like to read the article in this weeks newspaper, please click on the link below. (Thank you Mrs. Denise for sending it to me online!)

1 comment:

Meme said...

Way to go Meme's Buddy !!!
So Proud of YOU !!!