Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Week 2: Swimming Lesson Continues

Kyle continued to excel beyond belief during his second week of swim lessons. By the end, Kyle was swimming across the pool!

I love being able to go see him in action during the last Saturday lesson! However, I don't know if he was so happy with me snapping pictures the whole time. ;-)

Evan stayed awake for this lesson and was a COMPLETE ham the entire time. He also perfected his hand eye coordination while playing with GaGa on one side of the pool by picking up tiny ants on the concrete.

Now for Kyle's favorite part of the day....and my scariest....THE DIVING BOARD! (insert dunn dunn dunn scary music here!)

And for the jump...

He did SO good! He got to jump off the diving board twice and both times he did great! I have to admit I did pretty good and stayed really calm (well for the most part!) I am so glad that he got the opportunity to participate in these swim lessons at school, go with all his friends and most importantly learn some really great fundamentals and swim techniques that he will use the rest of his life.

1 comment:

MeMe said...

What a big Boy!!!---Our little swimmer!!---So glad he had a good time!