Sunday, May 5, 2013

I can blog AGAIN!!!

I am SOOOO excited!! I know I have been quiet on here and it has been for a variety of reasons...however one of the major reason is our computer (unbeknownst to us until last week) had many, many viruses and problems and I was unable to upload any pictures.  Thankfully Ben has been able to fix most of the problems and I will be able to catch up on some of the happenings around here. :-)

Below are a few pictures from Thursday nights game.  It drizzled rain the entire time so Evan and I sat in the dug out.  He thought he was such a big boy sitting with the team.
You can see in true brother style...Evan is sticking his finger in Kyle's ear in the side of the helmet. :-)
I LOVE this picture of my two big boys....Ben was the first base coach and you can tell both boys are paying such close attention to the game. 
At one point while I was at the gate taking pictures I turned around and Evan was being held up by one of the mom's looking over the fence.  Isn't his smile so sweet?!?

I have been playing with the settings and shutter speeds on my camera and I was able to get this one of Kyle throwing the ball.  Doesn't he look like such a ball player in this shot?!?

Friday, April 5, 2013

Still here!

Hello!  I can not believe it has been over a month since I have blogged.  I really enjoy posting and keeping a record of all the fun things we have done.  But it seems that "life" has gotten so busy lately.  Which is always a good things.  In my professional life I hear of so many horrible accidents and tragic stories that I do not ever take for granted our life of just being "busy".   I feel like we are really blessed to be busy with just normal, common every day life. :-)
Everyone is doing well at our house...Ben went through about 3 weeks of working A LOT of overtime.  It is always welcome and much appreciated but at the same time it puts a different spin on our household mainly because we count on each other so much in our daily routines.  And now my work is starting to really get busy. This year will mark my 8th year in my department and I have had a few changes in my job responsibilities and I have to say I LOVE it!!
The boys are great!  Kyle has started baseball and LOVES it! Ben is helping coach again this year and the boys talk, practice and play ball all the time around the house.  Evan really wants to be on the field with his Daddy and brother...I know it will just be a matter of time.
  He has lost 4 teeth (two bottom and two top).  The two top ones came out within 7 days of each other.  Something about the two top teeth sent me into a tizzy and I got so emotional about my baby boy growing up.  He is changing and growing up so much lately.  Now if we could just get him to sleep in his bed and all night life would be good. 
Evan is starting to potty train or I should say Evan is using the potty when he wants too.  He knows how, he can, but he is just stubborn and when he does not want to he doesn't.  He talks up a storm now and has just started a new thing of telling you that you are his "best friend".  It is so sweet and honestly he melts my heart when he says it.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Earlier today I purchased a few pieces of clothes (a couple of tops and dresses) for work so tonight I was trying them all on and then hanging them up.  I didn't really think the boys were paying me any attention since they were playing between the living room and Kyle's room. I would try the new outfit on in my bedroom and then walk into their bathroom/laundry room to retrieve a hanger to hang the new item up. 

However I was wrong....when I tried on my grey slacks with a new grey and floral design printed top I went to the mirror in our bedroom. I like it!  Well when I walked out of my bedroom into the hallway wearing my new top and pants I hear this...

Kyle: (staring straight at me in the hallway) "Mama...where did you get THAT?"

Me: "Remember I bought the top today and the grey pants are Mommy's.  Why?"

Kyle: (With a complete disgusted look on his face) "Did you pay REAL money for that shirt?"

Me: (completely flabbergasted) "Yes, I did.  Why, you don't like it?"

Kyle: (shaking his head as he walks past me) "Not can wear that other block dress but don't wear that. Okay?"

WHAT?!?!  When did my 6 year old start caring what I wore?  Oh yea, I guess about the time that his Mommy and Daddy embarrass him at school.  He has gotten where he wants us there and wants us to volunteer at everything but he doesn't want to talk to or acknowledge us.  I will admit it does hurt my feelings but Ben keeps reminding me that it is a "boy thing."

Yes....I am going to wear the block dress tomorrow and I put the grey floral top away in the closet.  But don't worry it will resurface one day. Maybe one day when my 6 year old is not around so I will not embarrass him with my clothing choices. Or on second thought...maybe I should wear it on the next field trip or class party! Ha, that will really get him!! :-)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Valentine's Day!

 I can't believe that Valentine's has already come and gone this year!  It is like one minute we are celebrating January birthdays and the next it is Valentine's Day.  Anyway...on Thursday, Ben and I went to Kyle's class to do an ice cream party for his class.  The kids had a lot of fun!
After the party, Kyle wanted to show us the mail man jacket and hat he got to wear to hand out his Valentine's to his class.  He was so cute!


After school, we picked Evan up from his class.  He had the best day and he got to eat a Happy Meal at lunch! :-)
As I was walking out with all three of my boys they all had to show me the bench that they stop at every day to talk about there day.  Apparently big decisions get made on this bench! 
After we left school and ran a few errands we met back up for dinner.  I had originally planned to cook but when I ended up skipping lunch to be able to leave early I was starving!  Ben and Evan waited very patiently (for the most part!)  on our dinner.  
Kyle, on the other hand, was too cool for a picture....
Once we got home from dinner, the boys opened all of the Valentine's they received in the mail (Thank you, everyone!) and the gifts from us.  They had a great time and LOVED everything!
Now onto planning for Easter.... :-)

Monday, February 11, 2013

My 101 dalmation...

For Kyle's 101 day of school he had to dress up as a dalmation so I got to work on another costume for Kyle to wear.  I know there was no rocket science that lead to the making of this costume but I have to say I was proud of it.  I cut all different black circle shapes out of felt and glued them on the front and back. (Fabric glue is the best invention E.V.E.R!!)  On the shirt, I gave him a red dog collar and even added a doggie name tag. :-)
Then we got a black headband and made one solid black ear and one white and black spotted ear.  I must admit it turned out really, really cute!!
And of course, lil' bit had to get in the picture and say cheese with his big brother. Aren't my boys so sweet...notice they are even holding hands. <3

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Kyle's GA Day Program

 On Friday, Kyle had his Georgia Day program at school.  Kindergarten through 5th grade participated in telling the story of John Fremont.  All the students did a great job and I can honestly say I learned something because before Friday I had NO idea who John Fremont was! :-)  Kyle's class sang "I'm workin' on the railroad"....

See Evan and I enjoyed the program! 
After the program we got to go over to the gym and see all of the projects that the students worked so hard on.  Kyle did his project on the Large Mouth Bass.  He did GREAT and I am SO proud of him.
Doesn't he look so grown in the picture above?!?  I am so proud of my big boy but at the same time I wish he could stay my baby just a little longer.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Kyle's Open House

At the end of January, Kyle had a Kindergarten open house to see everything he had been learning for the first 100 days of school.  His teacher had it set up pretty neat! She had different activities set up all over the room that related to 100 such as counting in 10's, putting 100 blocks together, weighing 100 items, etc. 

She had the computers and ipads set up too.  This was a shark game that Kyle was playing on the computer but he let Evan wear the head phones to hear the music. Isn't he the best big brother?!? 
 And isn't he the cutest little boy EVER in these headphones?!?!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

New Pajamas

Last night I had to stop by the store to pick up some milk before coming home.  As always, I never get out of the store with only the one item I went in for.  But last nights finds were totally worth it!  Lately Evan has been into Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Any one that is around him for more than 5 minutes hears about Mickey Mouse constantly.  He has been asking for a Mickey Mouse shirt but I haven't been able to find one that I like.  But when I saw these pajama's I knew they were perfect!  Mickey Mouse playing football!! As soon as I got home I asked him to come over and showed them to him.  Needless to say he was over the moon excited and I had to wash and get them ready before bed time last night!

I took a few pictures after bath.  My baby is SOOOO happy!

No jumping on the couch is usually not allowed.... but isn't he cute?!?

Now Kyle is all into Angry Bird Star Wars right now.  (This is even what his birthday party theme is...) and wouldn't you know I found just the perfect ones for him also.  I have no idea what kind of goofy face he is making at me in this picture....

Then I tried to get a picture of the boys together in there new pajamas.  But as you can tell, that just wasn't happening.  This is pretty much how they are all the time.  They love each other but they are ALWAYS playing and getting one another.

I'm glad I had to stop by to pick up that gallon of milk now....even though I was late coming home it was well worth it to see the boys SO happy and excited over there new pj's. :-)